Lives of the Saints

Holy Pentecost

Holy Pentecost

In the Church’s annual liturgical cycle, Pentecost is “the last and great day.” It is the celebration by the Church of the coming of the Holy Spirit as the end—the achievement and fulfillment—of the entire history of salvation. For the same reason, however, it is also…

Hieromartyrs Akepsimas, Bishop in Persia, Presbyter Joseph, and Deacon Aeithalas

Hieromartyrs Akepsimas, Bishop in Persia, Presbyter Joseph, and Deacon Aeithalas

Martyrs Akepsimas the Bishop, Joseph the Presbyter and Aeithalas (Aeithalás) the Deacon of Persia were leaders of the Christian Church in the Persian city of Naesson. His flock devotedly loved their hierarch for his ascetic life and tireless pastoral work. The emperor Sapor ordered his men to seek…

Consecration of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr George in Lydda

Consecration of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr George in Lydda

The city of Lydda (Lod) is the birthplace of the Great Martyr George the Victorious. His mother's house was there, where he spent his childhood. The Holy Great Martyr George was a Roman soldier, he suffered under Emperor Diocletian in Nicomedia at the beginning of the IV century. His relics were…

Martyrs Eudoxios, Agapios, Atticus, and those with them, at Sebaste

The glorious Martyrs Eudoxios, Agapios, Atticus, Marinus, Oceanus, Eustratios, Karterios, Nikopolitianos, Styrax, and Tobias were all soldiers in the city of Sebaste during the reign of Emperor Licinius. When they were examined by the lord of Seville, by Duke Marcellus, and also by Marcus Agricola,…

Venerable Akepsimas the Hermit of Cyrrhus in Syria

Saint Akepsimas, Hermit of Cyrrhus in Syria lived for sixty years in the desert, not far from Cairo. He devoted himself to fasting, silence and prayer. At the command of the patriarch, he came out of solitude and was consecrated a bishop. He died at a venerable old age.

Saint Snandulia of Persia

Saint Snandulia of Persia is mentioned in the account of the martyrdom of Saints Joseph the priest and Aethalas the deacon. The historian Sozomen also describes their sufferings in his Church History (Book 2, ch. 13). Snandulia was a devout Christian of the city of Arbela who visited those who…

Princess Anna Vsevolodna

The Holy Princess Anna Vsevolodna was daughter of the Kievan Great Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich (1078-1093) whose wife was daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Monomachos. She did not wish to marry, and as a virgin she took monastic tonsure in 1082 at the Andreiev Yanchinov monastery built…

Venerable Nicholas, Radiant Star of the Georgians

Venerable Nicholas, Radiant Star of the Georgians

Saint Nicholas was the author of many church services, but little else about his life is known. He lived in the second half of the 13th century, and the last years of his life coincided with the reign of King Vakhtang III, the son of the holy king Demetre the Devoted. Saint Nicholas was one of the…

Saint Akepsimas

Saint Akepsimas (Ἀκεψιμᾶς) lived in the IV century, during the reign of Emperor Theodosios the Great. After living a cenobitic life in which he was distinguished for his piety, he sought refuge in the desert. He made his home in a cave, and was fed by the…