Lives of the Saints

Postfeast of Pentecost — Day of the Holy Spirit

Postfeast of Pentecost — Day of the Holy Spirit

On the day after every Great Feast, the Orthodox Church honors the one through whom the Feast is made possible. On the day following the Nativity of the Lord, for example, we celebrate the Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos (December 26). On the day after Theophany, we commemorate Saint John the…

Hieromartyr Seraphim (Samoilovich), Archbishop of Uglich

Hieromartyr Seraphim (Samoilovich), Archbishop of Uglich

Hieromartyr Seraphim, Archbishop of Uglich (in the world Semyon N. Samoylovich) was born on July 19, 1881 in the city of Myrgorod, Poltava governorate. Semyon graduated from the Poltava Theological Seminary in 1902 and received a place as a teacher of Unalashkinskaya, a two-year school in Alaska.…

Venerable Joannicius the Great

Venerable Joannicius the Great

Saint Joannicius the Great was born in Bithynia in the year 752 in the village of Marikat. His parents were destitute and could not provide him even the basics of an education. From childhood he had to tend the family cattle, their sole wealth. Love for God and prayer completely dominated the soul…

Hieromartyrs Nicander, Bishop of Myra, and Hermas, the Presbyter

Hieromartyrs Nicander, Bishop of Myra, and Hermas, the Presbyter

The Hieromartyrs Nicander, Bishop of Myra, and Hermas the Presbyter, were disciples of the holy Apostle Paul’s follower and fellow ascetic, the holy Apostle Titus of the Seventy (August 25), and they were ordained by him to the priesthood. Living the ascetic life amid incessant pastoral…

Saints John, Stephen, and Isaiah of Georgia

Saints John, Stephen, and Isaiah of Georgia

Among the multitude of saints we remember those Christians who dedicated their earthly lives to glorifying God and serving others. In a single lifetime they performed all the spiritual feats of the venerable and devout fathers, confessors, and martyrs. Among the saints canonized by the Georgian…

Blessed Simon of Yurievets

Blessed Simon of Yurievets was born in the city of Yurievets in the Povolzhsk or Volga region. Forsaken by his parents, the saint took upon himself the exploit of foolishness for Christ. Both winter and summer he went barefoot, dressed only in a shirt, so that his skin became blackened and withered…