Session 2: The person that God made me to be


By the end of this session students should be able to . . .

1. explain how each person is inheritly good, special, and loved by God

2. compose a poem that describes some of the positive and negative aspects of their personality

3. give examples of how we put on masks to hide who we truly are

4. relate how our “masks” often get us into trouble

Useful Texts:

In addition to the texts listed in the outline, go through 1 Cor. 13:4-8a again replacing the word “love” with “God.” Reflect on how God loves each of us in this way.

Also: Psalm 8:3-8; Matt 6:25-26,


Introduction A & B

Say, “Last time we spoke about our relationship with God. Who remembers what we said about Him? [He is the one that loves us more than anyone else, and teaches us how to love others.] This time we are going to explore our relationship with another very special person: ourselves.

Let’s take out our plants/pet rocks. Take a look at everyone’s plant/pet rock. Each one is special and unique. Name some ways they are unique (avoid the word “different” since it can often have a negative connotation at this age). They also have many things in common. What are some things they have in common? [They’re all rocks, hard, etc.]

Say, “Just like our plants/pet rocks, each of us is also very special and unique. What are some ways each of us is special? [Different personalities, looks, interests, abilities, etc.] Just like our plants/pet rocks we also have many things in common. What are some ways we are all very much alike? [Made by God, have feelings, have people who love us, make mistakes, etc.]

Discussion: Soul Searching

If they haven’t mentioned it yet, say, “One of the things we all have in common is that we are made by the same God who made the whole universe: the sun, the moon, the whole solar system, and all the things in it. Who can tell me some other things that God made? [Animals, plants, water, wind, etc.]” Brainstorm the idea until they are out of ideas.

Say, “In the very beginning of the Bible, in the book of Genesis, it says something very special about us and how important we are to God.” Read or have someone read Genesis 1:26-30. “If God created us in His own image and put us in charge of caring for everything He created, that means we must be pretty important and pretty special. St. Paul says in his first letter to the people in Corinth that we will actually judge angels! (1 Cor 6:3) We are so important and special to God that, even though we weren’t listening to Him and were doing bad things, He sent His Son so that He could save us! So, one thing we definately have in common is how important to God we are.”

Another thing we all have in common is that we don’t always act the way we want to or are supposed to. Sometimes we forget how much God cares about us: we feel sad and try to make other people sad, or feel nervous and pretend to be silly so people won’t notice how scared we are. Othertimes, we try to act tough because we’re afraid people will pick on us.”

Activity: Soul Poems

“Let’s take a few minutes to think about these good and not so good parts about ourselves.” Make enough copies of the appropriate Soul Poem sheet for the age group you are teaching so that each student can do their own. Read through the sheet with them and give them about 5-7 minutes to complete it. Tell them that this is serious quiet time for them to really think about themselves.

Share with the group what you wrote on yours and allow people to share theirs.

Activity: Taking off our masks

For this activity you will need sheets of non-corrugated cardboard or posterboard (one for each student) and all kinds of things for students to decorate their masks with (toiletpaper rolls, glitter, construction paper, pipe cleaners, markers, etc); the more types of materials the better. Students will create masks that show some of the ways they cover over who they really are.

Say, “Earlier we said that many times we do things and act in ways to cover up what we are feeling, or we try to act like someone else when we are afraid of what people are going to think about us.” Draw examples from their poems or for younger students give them examples of how some people act silly like clowns when they are uncomfortable, or tough like a tiger when they are scared, or dumb even though they’re very smart.

“Now we are going to make masks that show how we try to hide from being who we really are. Using the cardboard/posterboard and all the materials here, create a mask that shows how you sometimes pretend to be someone else other than your true selves.” Encourage them to have fun and be creative. They can use the ideas above or can even use colors to show how they pretend to be happy when their sad, etc.

When they have finished their mask put a craft stick on the back side so that they can hold it up to their face. Then glue or tape their soul poem to the back of the mask. Say, “When we want to put our masks on, we need to remember who we are on the inside, otherwise we can hurt ourselves or other people.”

“What do you think are some ways we can hurt ourselves by trying to pretend we are somebody who we aren’t?” [We can loose friends, or make people think things about us that aren’t true, if you do something you know is wrong just because other people are pressuring you to, you can even hurt yourself physically: smoking, drugs, violence, sex, etc.] Using your mask act out one way you use masks and how it can hurt you. Ask for volunteers to act out some of their responses using masks.

Session Conclusion

Say, “Each of us is very special and very important to God. Of all the things and people God could have created, He created me and (name of student) and (name of student). Each and everyone of us are so important to God that not only did He create us, but He sent His Son to die and rise again for us, and then sent the Holy Spirit to guide, strengthen, and comfort us. We need to remember that that’s who we really are.And that God created us to be the person we are, not the person we think is cool, or the person who others might want to be. God created you to be you”

Soul Poem A

My first name is

I like to

I am good at

I think God would say that I am

I am afraid when

I wish I was better at

My last name is

Soul Poem B

My first name is

I like to

I am good at

I feel I can be truly myself when

I think God thinks I am

Sometimes I pretend to be

One thing about myself I would like to change

I am afraid when

My last name is