Session 3: God Gave Me My Family
By the end of this session participants should be able to . . .
1. Explain that God gave us our family to learn how to love Him and other people
2. Explain that our parents, like God, show their love for us by correcting and disciplining us when we need it
3. Identify references in the Bible that talk about love in the family
4. Name saints who were parents
Useful Texts:
Procedure:A & B
Activity/Discussion: A Family Album
For this activity you will need:
3 sheets of black 8.5x11 construction paper cut in half per student for the pages of the photo album
1 sheet of a contrasting color construction paper cut in half to use as the cover.
4x6 white index cards on which to draw pictures of family life.
White markers or pencils to label pictures.
A hole punch and yarn or brads to bind the photo album together
Optional: photo corners are sold at local pharmacies
Say, “This session we are going to talk another special relationship we have in our life: our relationship with our family.”
Using the materials listed above, students draw pictures on the 4x6 white index cards to create a photo album to show the range of family experience. Pictures should include examples of the following experiences in their family: nurture, disciplining, teaching, fun, sad times, working, praying.
Discussion: My Family is the Best Family for Me
Note for A leader: If students are having difficulting with these questions clarify them with examples.
-Looking through your photo album, what are some things that we can learn from being in our family? [Love, supporting people, sharing, helping people, how to do certain things, the importance of relationships, sacrifice, patience, trust in God, etc.]
-Sometimes we get frustrated that our family keeps us from doing things we want to do. Why do you think parents have to say, “no” sometimes? [Because they don’t want us to get hurt or there are other things that are more important that have to be done.]
-Do you agree with the following statement: While our famiilies might not be perfect, God has given us the pefect family for us. Why or why not?
- God only gave us ten commandments. One of them is to honor our mother and father. When you think of all the other things He could have commanded, why do you think He thought it was so important to include this? [Because they are the unique people in the whole world whom God has chosen to raise us.]
- God has given us our families to teach us to grow closer to Him and prepare us for our lives. In what ways do you think your family could be doing that?