Winter/Spring 2012
Volume 46
Featured inside:
- Editorial: Remembering Fr. John Meyendorff "He's Coming Back"
- "The Walking Pilgrims:" Reviving an Old Tradition, Celebrating a New Spirit of Unity
- Evangelization is for Every Christian
- Our Common Calling
- The Road to Emmaus: Pilgrimage as a Way of Life
- Holy Synod Synopsis
- The Diocese of Mexico Celebrates 40 Years
- The Consecration of Bishop Alexander
- The 16th All-American Council
- Off the Drawing Board: Implementing the Strategic Plan
- Financial Moves: Diocesan Chancellors, Treasurers urge Proportional Giving
- Interview with Fr. John Jillions, Recently Appointed Chancellor: "A Spirit of 'Sobornost'"
- Seminary Commencements: "Go Forth!"
- Summer Reading
- Going Green: Ecological Projects Every Parish Can Adopt
- And a Sword Shall Pierce Your Soul
- The Repose of Metropolitan Constantine
- Up from Ashes: Rebuilding St. Nicholas Church at Ground Zero
- IOCC: Twenty Years of Humanitarian Service
- In Memoria