Vol 4: No 10 Authors and Contributors

Deacon Nicholas Roth is a third-year seminarian at St Vladimir’s Seminary, from the OCA’s Diocese of the South. He graduated from the University of Tulsa in 2001 with Bachelor of the Arts degrees in Sociology and Philosophy. He served in the US Army for ten years, including two deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and one in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Upon graduation, he plans to return to the Diocese of the South and serve the Church.

Deacon Jason Ketz is an alumni of St Vladimir’s Seminary and a deacon at St Mary’s Cathedral in his hometown of Minneapolis, MN.  Jason holds a bachelor’s degree in Microbiology, and in addition to his work at St Mary’s, is employed  in the Quality department of a leading medical device company in the Minneapolis area.

Priest James Parnell, an alumni of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, is the pastor of All Saints Orthodox Church in Hartford, CT. An Iraq War Veteran with over a decade of military service, Fr James also serves as a Chaplain in the Connecticut Army National Guard, assigned to the 1-102nd Infantry Regiment. His MDiv thesis, “Growing from Dragon to Man: A Parish Resource for Reintegrating Orthodox Soldiers and Veterans Returning from War” is available on Scribd: http://www.scribd.com/doc/169548480/Growing-from-Dragon-to-Man-A-Parish-Resource-for-Reintegrating-Orthodox-Soldiers-and-Veterans-Returning-from-War.