Volume 1 Nativity Special, Authors and Contributors

Deacon Dustin Lyon is currently a third year seminarian and attached to Three Hierarchs Chapel at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, where he is also the student sacristan. He holds a MA in Art History and Archaeology from the University of Missouri.

Archpriest Steven Voytovich is the Director of the Department of Institutional Chaplaincies for the Orthodox Church in America. He holds M.A., M.Div., and D.Min degrees from St. Vladimir’s Seminary. He works in institutional settings training hospital and institutional chaplains. He is attached to Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in New Britain, Connecticut.

Archpriest John Breck is on the faculty of St. Sergius Institute in Paris, France. He holds an M.Div from Yale University and a Theological Doctorate from Ruprecht-Karl University in Germany. He writes a column for the website of the Orthodox Church in America entitled “Life in Christ” from which this article was taken.

Jason Ketz is a second year M.Div student at St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. He holds a B.S. in Microbiology, and worked as the Quality Manager at a printing company for several years in his home town of Minneapolis, before answering a long-standing call to theological studies and, God-willing, pastoral ministry. He and his wife Elizabeth are currently balancing his studies, her career, and the constant demands of raising two wonderful young children. His home parish is St. Mary’s Cathedral in Minneapolis.