Volume 1 Number 1

Volume 1 Number  1 of “Wonder”

Theme: Engaging  Modern Atheism


No Atheists in Foxholes?

by Father Sean Levine

Fr. Sean Levine has been serving the men and women of the Armed Forces, first as a Chaplain’s Assistant and later as a Chaplain, for nearly 14 years. Recently ordained as an Orthodox Priest (OCA), he plans to return to the Army Chaplain Corps after completing his Master of Divinity in May 2010.

Evicting the Gods


How to “Grill the Christian”

by Mr. Andrew Boyd

Mr. Boyd is a first-year student at St. Vladimir’s Seminary. He is a graduate of the University of Connecticut where he was an active member of both the local OCF chapter and the national OCF. He has served as an intern for Syndesmos, the World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth, and for the OCA’s own Department of Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministries.

The Challenges and Opportunities of Atheism

by Mr. Logan Johnson

Mr. Johnson is a first-year seminarian at St. Vladimir’s Seminary. Hailing from Minnesota, he graduated in 2008 from Beloit College, a small liberal arts college in southern Wisconsin. He hopes to do further work in theological theory and inter-religious dialogue.