Volume 6, Number 1: Authors and Contributors

Fr. David Wooten is a priest in the OCA Diocese of the South. He is currently involved in reading seven books at one time, as he is wont to do.

Nathan Jekel grew up in Camp Hill, PA. He is a member of Holy Apostles Orthodox Mission in Mechanicsburg, PA and studies Mathematics Education at Penn State University, Capitol Campus. He also enjoys, reading, music and puns.

Catherine Addington is currently studying abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her writing has appeared in “The American Conservative”, “First Things”, and “NYU Local.” She will graduate with a B.A. in Latin American Studies from New York University in May 2015. 

Fr. David L. Bozeman is rector of Saint Nektarios Mission in Waxahachie, TX. He was formally an English teacher and is currently also the father of two high-school aged boys.