Wonder Volume 5: Issue 5 Authors and Contributors

The Rev. Dr. Richard Flom, M.D., a graduate of St Tikhon’s Seminary (M.Div) Fr Richard is currently an OCA priest attached to St Mary’s Cathedral in Minneapolis, MN.  He and his wife Mat. Cassiane (Tatiana Flom, MD) are both medical doctors by trade, and have and have journeyed extensively both geographically and spiritually, from membership in a Protestant Church, through the Cursillo and Charismatic movements, into Eastern Orthodoxy. Now retired from the medical profession, Fr Richard and Mat Cassiane are both highly active in the faithful communities in the Minneapolis / St Paul area.

Priest Dustin Lyon is a sixth generation Iowan serving at St. Elias Church in Dubuque, IA. He is a graduate of St. Vladimir’s Seminary (‘11), and holds a Master’s Degree in Art History and Archaeology from the University of Missouri (‘08). Saved by Beauty, a book he co-authored about the iconography of Sister Mary Charles, was released this summer. He currently lives with his wife and two Siamese cats. 

Mr Harrison Russin is from the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, and is a recent graduate of St. Vladimir’s Seminary,holding a Master of Divinity. Harrison is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program at Duke University in Durham, NC.

Deacon Jason Ketz lives with his wife and four children in the suburbs of Minneapolis, MN, and is a deacon at Saint Mary’s (OCA) Cathedral in Minneapolis. He is a graduate of Arizona State University and Saint Vladimir’s Seminary and is a bio-medical engineer at a medical device company. He is the editor of this blog.