18th AAC: “How to Expand the Mission” part 2 of 2
Part two of a video produced by Deacon Gabe Aldridge and Mr. Greg Carageorge shown at the 18th All-American Council.
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Part two of a video produced by Deacon Gabe Aldridge and Mr. Greg Carageorge shown at the 18th All-American Council.
Plenary Session 5: Presentation for the 18th All-American Council by International Orthodox Christian Charities [IOCC].
Plenary Session 5: Presentation for the 18th All-American Council by the Archdiocese of Washington, DC.
Plenary Session 5: Presentation for the 18th All-American Council by the Diocese of the South.
Plenary Session 5: Presentation for the 18th All-American Council by the Romanian Episcopate.