January-February OCAreview available for downloading, parish distribution

The January-February 2018 edition of OCAreview: The Orthodox Church in America’s Monthly Hard-Copy Digest, is now available in color and black and white PDF formats for downloading and local distribution.
All parishes and clergy receive PDFs of the digest via e-mail. Others who wish to receive the monthly e-mail version may subscribe at no charge.
With the blessing of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, OCAreview made its debut in October 2015. Each monthly edition features select stories that had appeared on the OCA web site during the previous months.
Parishes are requested to download and duplicate each edition, especially for distribution to those without internet access. OCAreview also makes an ideal monthly parish bulletin insert.
OCAreview is made possible in part due to the generous support of the Stewards of the Orthodox Church in America. See what you can make possible by becoming a Steward today!