Snoopy’s Christmas: A Seasonal Meditation
Each year one of my favourite Christmas songs is an old novelty song called Snoopy’s Christmas, released in 1967 by the Royal Guardsmen as…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
Each year one of my favourite Christmas songs is an old novelty song called Snoopy’s Christmas, released in 1967 by the Royal Guardsmen as…
by Metropolitan Tikhon
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
In earlier posts we spoke of the challenges to be faced in understanding the Bible in all its rich complexity. We spoke of the necessity of recognizing that…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
In an earlier post we spoke of the necessity of recognizing literary genre as one of the essential keys to understanding the Bible. A…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
Odd as it sounds, the first step to understanding the Bible is to realize that there is no such thing as The Bible. Or, to state it somewhat less…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
There is one woman in the Bible who is consistently ignored. That is perhaps not unexpected, since her name is not given. Her presence…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
The Book of Judith is a war story. It may be difficult for us to appreciate it fully, since most of us have never experienced the danger and horrors attending…
by Metropolitan Tikhon
by Metropolitan Tikhon
Today a certain lawyer comes to our Lord and asks what he shall do to inherit eternal life. And our Lord’s answer is strikingly simple, but also…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
Rahab has the distinction of being one of the few Biblical figures who was the object of an attempted moral make-over—or, more bluntly, of a…