Reflections in Christ

Sermon on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul The Episcopal Ordination of Archimandrite Gerasim June 29, 2021
by Metropolitan Tikhon
Our Lord has revealed to us many mysteries today in the midst of our sacred gathering, and the revelation of others will yet happen. Many…
Closing Remarks at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary 2021 Commencement
by Metropolitan Tikhon
Pandemic Ponderings Pascha—One Year Later
by Misc. Authors
During the pandemic, I have often heard people refer to this as “a crazy time.” Or they say that we are living in “a crazy world” now. Others refer to the pandemic in general as “all this craziness.” ...
For Thine is the Kin-dom?
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
Several times a week I drive past a certain church, and recently I was moved by curiosity to find out what their…
A Call for Monastic Vocations, on the Anniversary of the Monastic Tonsure of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon
by Misc. Authors
The Emigration of Abraham
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
Significantly the story of the salvation of the world began in a pagan place far away from what would eventually…
Homily at the Funeral Service for the Mitred Archpriest Basil Summer
by Metropolitan Tikhon
The newly-departed priest of God, the Mitred Archpriest Basil, was many things to many people. As such, he was a living model of the…
Are You Comfortable?
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
Recently I was reading a foreign-language newspaper (well, the English part of it) and there was an article in it…
Does God Have a Body?
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
Not so long ago I was asked by a very young child at church the question, “Fr. Lawrence, does God have a body?” She…