The Great Litany
At every Divine Liturgy, after the initial doxology in which the celebrant blesses the Kingdom of God and blesses with the sign of…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
At every Divine Liturgy, after the initial doxology in which the celebrant blesses the Kingdom of God and blesses with the sign of…
by Fr. Steven Kostoff
Among the Myrrhbearing Women, it is clear that Mary Magdalene is something of a “first among equals.” In the Synoptic…
by Fr. Steven Kostoff
The Orthodox Church’s claim that Pascha is “the Feast of Feasts” is far more than poetic rhetoric. On the most basic level, it reminds…
by Fr. Steven Kostoff · by Lenten Reflections
I came across the phrase “earthly life ceases” at the beginning of an explanation of Holy Week written by the…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley · by Lenten Reflections
Come away with me; let us leave our world and travel back together to the first Palm Sunday in the first…
by Misc. Authors
Iceland has been in the news lately. For one thing, it has been named by the World Happiness Report as the…
by Fr. Steven Kostoff · by Lenten Reflections
“For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comprehension” [2 Corinthians 4:17]. ...
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
According to the official OCA service book, the Divine Liturgy begins when the deacon “bows his head to the priest and says, ‘It…
by Fr. Steven Kostoff · by Lenten Reflections
“Enlighten me through prayers and fasting” [Forgiveness Vespers]. Within the context of Great Lent and our…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
In his first epistle to Timothy, Paul wrote, “It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus…