
ideas for youth ministry FIELD TRIPS

1. Monastery Pilgrimage: One of the most valuable experiences a youth can have is to spend a day or two in the monastic environment to see how deeply Christianity can be lived. 2. Inter-Orthodox outings/vists to other churches: It is essential for teens to realize…

ways to build Christian FELLOWSHIP among Orthodox youth.

When we plan youth activities it is easy to spend a lot of time on retreats, Church services, and service projects and forget the need to build relationships with each other. Sometimes we can give the incorrect impression that a Christian can’t have fun. Christian fellowship…

Ideas for fundraising

There are two reasons that youth raise funds: one, to donate funds to a certain cause (charity donation etc.), and two, to offset expenses of youth activities. As important as these two reasons may be, it is more important that fund raising not be the most common activity. …