The Church on Current Issues

Women in the Mission of the Church

The decade 1988-1998 has been proclaimed "Ecumenical Decade in Solidarity With Women" by the World Council of Churches. To promote an awareness of this Decade, several articles will appear in the Resource Handbook on the mission or ministry of women in the Church. The…

A Special Kind of Witness: What About Abortion?

How shall we Orthodox witness to the community around us? The most obvious way, of course, is to share our beliefs and the teachings we have inherited. One aspect of this sharing a very important one is to speak to our neighbors about the vital moral issues of our day from…

My Vocation in The Family

To Live in the Kingdom of God, Now In the "Our Father" I am taught to pray, "Thy Kingdom come," and the strong implication is, as C. S. Lewis notes, that the Kingdom can and should come here and come now, in my heart and in the world at large. The Divine Liturgy is replete…

The Christian Family: Some Beginning Reflections

It is in the context of concrete discussion of the family as Christian Community that all theory about human relationships and efforts at community are tested in the daily one-to-one contact. It is also in this relationship that our children first gain their ideas of …

Reinforcing Religious Education In Family Life

Education and the Family It is a commonly accepted principle that education, be It secular or religious, will be much more effective when there is active participation and reinforcement within the family. For religious education, the responsibility for this…

It Still Outranks Them All Part 4: Spirituality and Alcoholism

Alcoholism may begin in numerous ways and develop as part of a person's total life system and style. Alcoholism erodes an individual's ability to function, physically, emotionally, and spirituality. Alcoholism is not only a major medical problem, it is also a…

It Still Outranks Them All Part 2: Phases, Signs and Symptoms

When thinking of alcoholism and other chemical dependencies, it is helpful to think of them as a progressive condition having at least three or four phases or stages; early, middle and late, for example. E. M. Jellinek (The Disease Concept of Alcoholism), was an…

It Still Outranks Them All Part 1: Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency

Alcoholism may begin in numerous ways and develop as part of a persons total life system and style. Alcoholism erodes an individual’s ability to function, physically, emotionally, and spirituality. Alcoholism is not only a major medical problem, it is also a…