The Church on Current Issues

An Orthodox Understanding of Stewardship

How should a person living at the close of the second Millennium, especially one living in our North American culture, approach and understand the subject of Stewardship? Clearly it is not a new subject. We have all grown up hearing about it, being told what it means, and…

Nourishing Children in Christ

First of all, St. Seraphim's words come to mind. "Save yourself and thousands will be saved around you." The best place to begin is with oneself. We must be examples for our children. As St. Paul says, " speech, love, faith, and purity, show yourself an example…

"I Teach Children How To Manage Conflicts"

Each of us is a child of God - unique and special. Each of us needs the feeling of belonging; each of us is in need of the support that a community has to offer. We need to build community, bridging the different cultures and races from which we come; but the community, which we…

An Orthodox Christian Living With Aids

In January, 1996, Arlene Kallaur, Editor of the Resource Handbook for Lay Ministries and Michael Anderson, OCA Director of Office of the Youth and Young Adults, met with Andrew Buleza, a member of Holy Resurrection Orthodox Cathedral in Wilkes Barre, PA along with his…

Finding One’s Calling in Life

When we consider the Orthodox Christian understanding of vocation, several points can be made. The most obvious are the following: Everyone Has A Calling God creates every human being in His image and likeness for everlasting life. There are no mistakes and no …

Learning to Listen in Order to Learn

"Easy does it," "Let your fingers do the walking,," "Leave the driving to us," "Instant coffee," "Instant soup," "Instant replay." You name it and in our society, we can get it for you, not only wholesale, but faster and with less elbow grease than in years…

Helping Kids in Crisis

CDC Statistics 1439 will attempt suicide 2795 girls will become pregnant 25006 Teens will use drugs for the first time 2506 will run away Truancy and violence have increased…

Issues in Mental Health: Dealing with Depressive Disorders

There are a number of sincere religious persons, Orthodox and non-Orthodox alike, who view depression as a self-imposed state which the depressed person should "snap out of," the sooner the better. Well meaning friends and relatives can exhort the depressed person to "get…

Orthodox Home Schooling

A nationally growing home school' movement is an attractive alternative for Orthodox Christian parents. We have been home educating our eight-year-old daughter since kindergarten and have found it a rewarding experience. I would like to share some of the positive…

Spiritual Aspects of Fatherhood

A conference participant once asked the speaker, "What is the best way for a father to love his children?" The speaker replied, "The best way for a father to love his children is to love their mother." I reflect often upon that superbly accurate statement. And I…