The Church on Current Issues

Capital Punishment and the Gospel

You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, Love your enemies . . . . Matt. 5:43 In September, 1995 the Wisconsin legislature once again considered enacting capital punishment -- the killing of…

The Broken Family

The broken, fractured family touches all of our lives and indeed is family life for some of us. The intact, happy American family could be placed on National Geographic's list of endangered species. For a whole host of reasons, family life in the USA in 1983 is a tragic,…

Orthodox Christians and Abortion

The Orthodox Church is opposed to the practice of abortion, a practice which is increasingly common in our society. How are we to respond--individually and as a Church--to a practice many of our fellow Americans regard as nothing more than a matter of choice? What are the Orthodox roots of…