Reflections in Christ

Why Marriage?
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
“Grant Me Not to Judge My Brother”
by Fr. Lawrence Farley · by Lenten Reflections
Sealed With The Kiss
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
Big Damn Heroes
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
We are called by God to change
“Life in Christ” by Fr. John Breck · by Lenten Reflections
St. Gregory Palamas, freedom, and the self
by Fr. Stephen Freeman · by Lenten Reflections
Fast and Liturgy
by Fr. Alexander Schmemann
Fasting and Eucharist form, so to say, two complimentary and necessary poles of Church life, manifest the essential antinomy of her nature: expectation and possession, fullness and growth, eschatology and history. ...
The Christian Concept of Death
by Fr. Alexander Schmemann
Indeed “if Christ is not risen, then your faith is in vain.” These are the words of the Apostle Paul, and they remain fundamental for Christianity to this day. ...
Clergy and Laity in the Orthodox Church
by Fr. Alexander Schmemann
No one would deny that the clergy-laity issue in our church here in America is both an urgent and confused one. It is urgent because the progress of the church is often hindered by mistrust and conflicts, misunderstandings and frustrations. ...