Session 7: “Glorify God in Your Body and Spirit”: Chastity and Celibacy
To offer teens the opportunity to make a commitment to live the life God wants
for them in regards to their relationships and sexuality.
By the end of this session participants should be able to . . .
Session 6: “Like Olive Shoots Around Your Table”: The Blessing of Children
To present teens with the Church’s teaching on marital intercourse and the
propagation of children, including methods of contraception, as practical
and healthy.
By the end of this session participants should be able
to . . .
Session 5: “Let marriage be held in honor": Marriage in the Church
To introduce teens to the teachings of the Church in regard to the sacrament
of marriage and the relationship between an husband and wife.
to Leaders: This
session has a number of activities and as a whole requires more time than
Session 4: “Bought at a Great Price”: Choices and Dating
To express to teens the Church’s belief that we do have a choice
in regard to sex within the context of dating and that this choice will either
help or hurt (hinder) a relationship.
By the end of this session participants…
Session 3: “Greatest of These is Love”: Discovering Love
To communicate the Church’s definition of romantic “love” to teens and give
them tools to differentiate real love from the many different feelings that
today’s society attributes to “love.”
By the end of this session participants…
Session 2: “In the Beginning . . .” Healing Our Misconceptions
To present sexuality as a God-given part of who we are as human beings.
for Leaders: In
this session, you will be talking about sex and sexuality issues in a little
more detail. Again, there needs to be an atmosphere of trust and security…
Session 1: “Pour Out Your Heart”: Identifying Priorities and Misconceptions
To provide the atmosphere and framework within which teens can express their
ideas and concerns about their sexuality within the context of the Church.
to Leaders: Expect
participants to come into this session with a lot of preconceived…
Dear Abba Response Worksheet
the Lord God bless you.
received your letter and wanted to reply as quickly as possible. As a college
student, I had many of the same questions. Truly, knowing what direction to
take with one’s sexuality is one of the most difficult…
Dear Abba Worksheet
May I have your blessing?
I am writing to you because
lately I have had an awful lot of questions about the Church and I really
don’t know where to go and who to ask for answers. Everybody seems to have
different answers nowadays and it’s…
Crossing Boundaries Worksheet
did it feel to have someone in my personal space?
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