Family Life

An Orthodox vision of the family.
Family relationships.
Christian education in the family.
Family enrichment.

Orthodox Christians and Abortion

Volume II - 1991

The Orthodox Church is opposed to the practice of abortion, a practice which is increasingly common in our society. How are we to respond—individually and as a Church—to a practice many of our fellow Americans regard…

Marriage in the Eucharistic Life

Volume II - 1990


“Marriage was instituted in paradise.” The Gospel reads, “have you not read that at the beginning God made them male and female…” (Mt. 19:4). Thus marriage “goes back to before the Fall. . . and…

Orthodox Home Schooling

Volume II - 1990

A nationally growing “home school” movement is an attractive alternative for Orthodox Christian parents. We have been home educating our eight year old daughter since kindergarten and have found it a rewarding…

Sharing The Loss Of The Wished For Child

Volume I - 1989

“I will not forget you. I have carved you on the palm of my hand.

(Isaiah 49:16)

Back in the 1970’s Sister Jane Mane Lamb, a Catholic nun, worked as a maternity nurse in a midwestern hospital. She saw around her…

Silence in the Family

Volume I - 1989

Perhaps we can benefit from a few reflections on the silence in our childhood and the silence in our family life today. I’ll write from my own experience and, hopefully, prompt you to reflect upon your own.

As a…

Depression: Can It Be An Opportunity?

Volume I - 1988

With comments by Daria York, Chairman of the Lay Ministries’ Task Force on Ministry to the Ill and Disabled.)

Many of you know friends or family members who struggle chronically, intermittently or occasionally with…

10 Basic Tips For Family Communication

Volume I - 1987

“You never ever understand me” and “there’s no use trying to talk with you” are the most familiar expressions heard by parents. Usually, there is some truth to it because parents are adults of one generation, and the…

Issues in Mental Health: Dealing with Depressive Disorders

Volume I - 1987

There are a number of sincere religious persons, Orthodox and non-Orthodox alike, who view depression as a self-imposed state which the depressed person should “snap out of,” the sooner the better. Well meaning…

Marriage Enrichment in an Orthodox Parish

Volume I - 1987

The problems of marital disharmony and divorce so common in our society have not left Orthodox parishes unaffected. Our Church is now facing these issues which other faith groups have been dealing with for a number…

Recommended Books For A Church School Library

Volume I - 1986

The Resource Handbook article, “Library Incentive Program” (‘85,1), described one parish’s successful program of encouraging children to read faith-related books. To implement such a program or simply to start a…