Parish Development

An Orthodox vision of the parish.
Parish administration and leadership.
Needs and talents assessment.
Education in the parish.
Parish fellowship and outreach.
Addressing special needs, and problems in the parish.
Groups, organizations and programs that contribute to parish life.
Parish growth.

A Bookstore, Barn Raisers, A New Church

Volume III - 2003

Uncovering the strengths of the parish to meet the challenges of growth

When a priest arrives at a new parish, he intuitively begins to assess the strengths and weaknesses of many areas of the community’s spiritual…

A Parish Nursing Ministry

Volume III - 2003

How It Works at St. Nicholas Church, Portland OR

Parish nursing is a specialty practice and model of health ministry rooted in the historic ministry of the Church, and whose focus of practice is the faith community.…

Easter Treats for the Elderly

Volume III - 2002

At Holy Trinity Parish, East Meadow, NY Great Lent includes many kinds of preparations. One, enthusiastically executed by some of the church school students, is the baking of “kulich” and the making of “cheese…

Development Of An Orthodox Parish Nursing Ministry

Volume III - 2001

Parish nursing programs or ministries of nursing, within many mainstream communities of faith, have been in existence throughout the United State for the last twenty years. Generally, the basic purpose of these…

A Restructured Parish Council

Volume III - 2000

Additional Resources: Sample Parish Council Structure

This year St. Gregory’s will formalize a restructured parish council that we have worked to refine over four years. Since 1996 we have attempted to realign…

Equipping Saints for Ministry

Volume II - 1999


Over time some churches experience significant decline in attendance and membership. This can be very disheartening to parishioners who have labored long and hard to establish a…

A Parish Restructured

Volume II - 1999

Group Minsitry in an Orthodox Parish

The New Testament Origins Of Church Structure

Jesus said to St. Thomas, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John…

A Parish Ministries Survey

Volume II - 1999



Following the OCA Parish Ministries Conference at St. Tikhon’s Seminary (Summer, 1997) our Parish Council began discussing ways we could more fully…

A Sister-Parish Relationship

Volume II - 1998


Within a short time of my arrival to St. Nicholas parish, I received a phone call asking whether our parish would be interested in hosting a visit by an Orthodox missionary priest and…