March 7, 2014
Psalm 80
Lord, Lord, look down from heaven, and see;
have regard for this vine which Thy right hand has planted, and establish it.
Chancellor’s Diary by Fr. John Jillions
Lord, Lord, look down from heaven, and see;
have regard for this vine which Thy right hand has planted, and establish it.
Chancellor’s Diary by Fr. John Jillions
Pour out Thy anger on the nations that do not know Thee, and on the kingdoms that do not call on Thy Name!
Return sevenfold…
by Fr. Steven Kostoff · by Lenten Reflections
My soul, my soul arise! Why are you sleeping? The end is approaching and you will be confounded. Awake then, and be watchful, that you may be spared by Christ God, Who is everywhere and fills all things…
Chancellor’s Diary by Fr. John Jillions
The Lord awoke as one asleep, and arose saving us.
He smote His enemies upon their backs, everlasting shame He gave them. ...
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
What do you expect will happen at Liturgy on a Sunday morning? Why do you rouse yourself from your comfy bed, pile into the car (possibly with sleepy and unruly kids), drive to church, and stand there for an hour or so? What do you hope to experience? ...
Chancellor’s Diary by Fr. John Jillions
Who is so great a god as our God? Thou art the God Who doeth wonders.
Thou hast made Thy power known among the peoples…
by Fr. Alexander Schmemann · by Lenten Reflections
In the Orthodox Church, the last Sunday before Great Lent – the day on which, at Vespers, Lent is liturgically announced and inaugurated – is called Forgiveness…
Chancellor’s Diary by Fr. John Jillions
Pray and make your vows before the Lord our God!
In Judah God is known; His name is great in Israel!
Psalm 76:11, 1 (Sunday Prokeimenon, tone 8)
Chancellor’s Diary by Fr. John Jillions
We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.
“When I choose the proper time, I will judge…
Chancellor’s Diary by Fr. John Jillions
Thy foes have roared in the midst of Thy holy place; they set up their own signs for signs.
At the upper entrance they hacked the wooden trellis…