Dormition of the Theotokos

Dormition of the Theotokos

Index of liturgical music for the Dormition of the Theotokos (August 15)

Troparion and Kontakion

Troparion (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Troparion (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Troparion (Kiev Caves - "YY")
Troparion (Byzantine, Tone 1, Lawrence - "YY")
Troparion (Serbian - "YY")

Kontakion (Lvov-Bakhmetev)
Kontakion (Model: "Seeking the highest")
Kontakion (Byzantine, Tone 2, Lawrence)
Kontakion (Byzantine, Tone 2, harm, 3 part)
Kontakion (Byzantine, Tone 2, harm, 4 part)
Kontakion (Serbian)


Stichera at Lord I call (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Stichera at Lord I call (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Stichera at Lord I call (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Stichera at Lord I call (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")
Stichera at Lord I call (Model: "Automelon" - "YY")
Stichera at Lord I call (Model: "Automelon" - "TT")

Doxastichon at Lord, I call (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Doxastichon at Lord, I call (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Doxastichon at Lord, I call (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Doxastichon at Lord, I call (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")

Stichera at the Litya (Lvov-Bakhmetev)
Stichera at the Litya (Kievan, Ledkovsky)
Stichera at the Litya (Galician "Bolhar", Obleschuk)

Doxastichon at the Litya (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Doxastichon at the Litya (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Doxastichon at the Litya (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY)
Doxastichon at the Litya (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT)
Doxastichon at the Litya (Galician "Bolhar", Obleschuk - "YY/TT)

Stichera at the Aposticha (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Stichera at the Aposticha (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Stichera at the Aposticha (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Stichera at the Aposticha (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")

Doxastichon at the Aposticha (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Doxastichon at the Aposticha (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Doxastichon at the Aposticha (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Doxastichon at the Aposticha (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")


Kathisma Hymn after 1st Psalter Reading (Bulgarian, Obleschuk - "YY")
Kathisma Hymn after 1st Psalter Reading (Bulgarian, Obleschuk - "TT")

Kathisma Hymn after 2nd Psalter Reading (Galician, Obleschuk - "YY")
Kathisma Hymn after 2nd Psalter Reading (Galician, Obleschuk - "TT")

Magnification (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Magnification (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Magnification (Znamenny, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Magnification (Znamenny, Ledkovsky - "TT")

Kathisma Hymn after the Magnification (Carpatho-Russian, Obleschuk - "YY")
Kathisma Hymn after the Magnification
(Carpatho-Russian, Obleschuk - "TT")

Prokeimenon (Lvov-Bakhmetev)
Prokeimenon (Lesser Znamenny)

Post-Gospel Stichera (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Post-Gospel Stichera (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Post-Gospel Stichera (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Post-Gospel Stichera (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")

1st Kanon - Tone 1 (L'vov Bakhmetev - "YY")
1st Kanon - Tone 1 (L'vov Bakhmetev - "TT")
Refrains (L'vov Bakhmetev)

2nd Kanon - Tone 4 (Lesser Kievan - Ledkovsky - "YY")
2nd Kanon - Tone 4 (Lesser Kievan - Ledkovsky - "TT")

Exaposteilarion (Kievan Caves Monastery, Drillock)

Stichera at the Praises (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Stichera at the Praises (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Stichera at the Praises (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Stichera at the Praises (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")
Stichera at the Praises (Model: Optina "As one valiant" - "YY")
Stichera at the Praises (Model: Optina "As one valiant" - "TT")
Stichera at the Praises (Model: Sputnik "As one valiant" - "YY")
Stichera at the Praises (Model: Sputnik "As one valiant" - "TT")

Doxastichon at the Praises (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Doxastichon at the Praises (Lvov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Doxastichon at the Praises (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Doxastichon at the Praises (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")

Divine Liturgy

Prokeimenon (Lvov-Bakhmetev) 
Prokeimenon (Znamenny, A. Arkhangel'sky) 
Prokeimenon (Znamenny, Kastalsky)
Prokeimenon (Serbian) 

Hymn to the Theotokos (L'vov Bakhmetev - "YY") 
Hymn to the Theotokos (L'vov Bakhmetev - "TT")
Hymn to the Theotokos (Serbian - "YY") 
Hymn to the Theotokos (Znamenny, V. Morosan - "YY")

Communion Hymn (A. Arkhangel'sky) 
Communion Hymn (V. Morosan) 
Communion Hymn (Modern Greek, Lawrence)
Communion Hymn (Modern Greek, harm, Lawrence)
Communion Hymn (Serbian)